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Monthly Update: June - July 2019

We’re back!

I've returned from our month long break and I’m picking back up on the pace with our invertebrates. During the break I travelled to Chicago and Savanna in Illinois, USA. There is an astounding amount of fireflies and insect life in Savanna at this time of year, which is summer in the northern hemisphere. Here’s a long exposure shot of the fireflies at a private campsite. It was much darker in person, all I could see was specks of light in near pitch blackness! 
I also had the pleasure of photographing some tiny friends at the Palisades State Park nearby. I’m not so good with macro photography yet, so forgive any slight blurring. Enjoy!


Illinois 2019


What’s new with Sans Vertigo?

We’re catching up on our springtail, flightless fruit fly and shrimp stock. Due to the cold temperatures, breeding has slowed down- this is being remedied by placing cultures under some heat. 

Updated photos and video of all our shrimp will be coming soon. We do this every three months to make sure that we represent our stock accurately as we selectively breed the shrimp. Here's a sneak peak:

Here’s the ETA for some of the livestock:

  • Shrimp: 24th July (note: some color varieties may not be available)
  • Springtails: 1 Month
  • Flightless Fruit Fly: 2 Weeks

More live plants will also be added soon, as we get around to photographing them. You can expect them to become available throughout the next month. In addition to this, we’ll be adding two new live cultures for feeding fish in a couple weeks. This will include microworms and vinegar eels. Personally I’ll be using them and the fruit flies to feed future endler guppies and their offspring in my own aquariums. 

To find out when new stuff comes into stock, you can follow us on Facebook

Starting from today we will be trying out a free shipping for all orders over $100 discount. This is automatically applied when your order items total over $100 in the cart. 

Thanks for reading!
Jennifer Mai

On going projects:

  • More shrimp food for a better complete diet (packaging and label stage)
  • 10 South American fishes colouring cards set. (done, looking for printers)
  • 10 South East Asia fishes colouring cards set (done, looking for printers)
  • 10 African fishes colouring cards set (currently illustrating)
  • 10 Oceania fishes colouring cards set (currently illustrating)
  • Breeding mealworms (starting the first generations, slow due to cold...)
  • Aquarium botanicals (packing)
  • False Garden Mantis: Ootheca in diapause until spring/summer.